Sunday 10 April 2011


Right a bit of a novelty here as I come to you from a train racing towards Bristol, from my phone. So getting my excuses out the way early.
The book, women by Charles Bukowski. This is one that is very different to any I have read or even bought before. The reason I bought it I must admit was a tv show, californication. If you are familiar with that show and I mention the main character of the book is called Hank you may already be able to guess the sort of thing that goes on.
Hank is an alcoholic, womanising writer and the narrative is from his point of view. I must concede that initially I thought the writing was trash and style crass. However, as I proceed through the book a realisation dawned on me. That realisation was that really the style was clever and elegant as it was the characters whom where crass and uneducated. Thus, when reading through a scene heavy with dialogue it feels dominated by f'ing and blinding. To which I sometimes feel a little offended but then what Charles B has cleverly done is draw you into that world. The elegance is shown first in a sophistication and eloquent monologue of Hank's thought's about the life he leads.
So if you can get past the odd swear I would suggest this is well worth a read.

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