Wednesday 8 June 2011


Solar is one of the best selling books of last year and is different for the fact that the protagonist is a physicist, a famous physicist. However unlike a Dan Brown novel the intelligent main character isn't used to solve problems, although he does find an answer to the world's energy problem that is not what the narrative follows. Alternatively it shows the man behind the genius and the troubles that cause him strife.
Even though this is a work of total fiction it feels like you are getting an insight into the mind and life of a burdened soul isolated at the top through a combination of bad decisions and bad luck.
I think this is a very readable book, there is so much to it that is engrossing to discover, hence my lack of elaboration. However, I doubt others will pick it up for the same reason I did, a book about a Nobel prize winning physicist (who could resist). So I urge you to pick it up as it is a compelling story which will keep you reading. So even though it is not the best book I have ever read, which is still Wasp, it is still worth the read.
With that I bid you goodbye and good reading.

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