Wednesday 11 May 2011


Books, we know we should read them it seams like the done thing for those of intelligence. But do to this representation it some times feels like a chore to pick up a big book sit down and try and work your way through it.
However, I come to you with a suggestion, a small book. More specifically Wasp by Eric F. Russell a mere fourteen chapters and only 175 pages yet so engrossing most will not put it down until they are finished.
Wasp is a book with the plot based on the idea that a small wasp can irritate a driver of a car to the point of crashing and killing all the passengers. The idea a small almost insignificant, in size, being can cause the death of four giants and a huge machine. This then links with the timing of the piece set years into the future where a one James Mowry is sent to be a “Wasp” on an alien planet. Mowry’s work is used to help earth fight a war against an alien race far more numerous than humanity.
This compelling book to me is similar in many ways to George Orwell’s Classic 1984 with its way of gripping writing telling the tale of literally one man against the world.
For me whether you are interested in si-fi or not this is still a must for anyone and everyone.
(Exepose 18/05/07)

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